This Fucking Jazz Music Hooks !!!
The very well known HEINEKEN JAZZALDIA, INTERNACIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL, The big cultural event celebrated in Donosti, on its fourth edition, of the international collective exhibitions "THIS FUCKING JAZZ MUSIC ROCKS!", on the 24th of July, an opening party took place at Noventa Grados. An incredible installation done together with "Patio" as every year.
The exhibition was on display at the said venue, from the 24th of July until the 10th of September, and other original works were exhibited from sixteen different illustrators, every designer had to base their work on the theme: Black Fusion. As black and fusion are two conceps that go very much together with Jazz.
Here are some of the artists who exhibited:
Guillaume Anselin, Iker Ayestarán, Miguel Balliache, Mikel Casal, Jose Gallardo, Adrien Goudier, José Manuel Hortelano-Pi, Aritz Kabe, J. Ignacio Lyron, Alber Moreno, Obey, Lucía Pastor, LiquidDocs By Xavi Rovira, Carlos Saldarriaga, Olivier Segura and Patxi Zapirain.